Sophomores, It's Going to Be Okay. Sincerely, a Tired Junior

By: Lily Katz

Published June 10th

Needham High School students, as brilliant, caring, and kind as they are, seem to be big fans of intimidating younger students. 

Any sophomores who have done NHD will know what I mean. As freshmen, they likely heard the familiar refrain from sophomores: “NHD is the WORST THING EVER. You’re never going to sleep, you’ll probably get an F-minus-minus-minus on your outline, and if you misspell a single annotation, your entire history grade is screwed and you’ll never be successful in life.” But was it really the worst thing ever? I mean, maybe. Although for most people, it bordered between frustrating and exhausting, the most memorable feeling was the one of pride once you’d finally turned the project in.

Junior year, despite warning cries and tales of sleepless nights and endless APUSH readings from the upperclassmen, is largely the same. Tiring, occasionally infuriating, and certainly challenging (take it from a girl who wrote “I promise I studied but I literally don’t know anything please be kind” at the top of her recent chemistry test), but absolutely survivable. You will make it out alive and feel proud of yourself for all of the new skills you’ve acquired, and you will have slept. This is coming from a girl who’s absolutely made her fair share of mistakes this year; I still came out alive. However, here are some things that I wish my lovely-but-sometimes-terrifying junior friends had told me before I plunged into junior year: 

Sophomores, you’re going to be okay. Relax this summer and try to block out all of the noise by focusing on doing what you need to do to feel prepared going into this school year. Know that you’re more smart and capable than you realize, and take some time to feel proud of yourself for all you’ve accomplished during your first two years of high school and all that you’re going to learn in 11th grade. You’ve got this!