Spot the International Space Station

By: Eli Kajmo

Published February 16th

Note from the Editors: This article was intended to be posted prior to February 2nd, however, use this link to find updated times and placements of the ISS. Happy space-spotting!

If you look up into the starry night sky, you might just be able to see the International Space Station passing overhead. From Friday, February 2nd to Monday, February 5th, you will be able to spot the I.S.S. over Needham. Tomorrow, February 3rd at 6:22 pm, you will be able to glimpse the I.S.S. for 6 minutes starting at about 10 degrees above the northwestern horizon with a maximum height of 29 degrees. On Saturday, February 4th you will be able to see the I.S.S. for 7 minutes starting at about 10 degrees above the northwestern horizon and reaching a peak of 50 degrees. On Sunday, February 5th you will only be able to glimpse the I.S.S. for a single minute starting at about 10 degrees above the northwestern horizon reaching a max height of eleven degrees. Finally, on Monday, February 6th, you will be able to see the International Space Station for 5 minutes starting at about 10 degrees above the western horizon with a max viewing height of 18 degrees. If you’re curious about future opportunities to see the International Space Station, go to the NASA website to search for future dates by your town.