About Me

Hello! I am Janelle. My friends would describe me as a helpful girl with a strong sense of responsibility, and I shall agree. Meanwhile, I would describe myself as a determined and resilient individual who is up for any challenges.

My passion ranges from music to hand-ons activities, including playing the piano, singing, keeping things organised and knitting.

My favourite quote is: "No matter how stressed you are, remember how blessed you are" by Snoopy. This is so as I am a huge fan of the Peanuts and this quotes reminds me to be appreciative of the people around me, no matter what I am going through.


Horizon Primary School (2012-2017)

CHIJ St Joseph's Convent (2018-2021)

St Andrew's Junior College (2022-2023)

Co-curricular activities (CCAs):

Choir (2018-2021)

Chinese Orchestra (2022-2023)