Day 1 Session 1: Architecture

This webinar is about architecture and its applications in our daily lives. An architect is similar to a conductor in an orchestra as an architect is in control over engineers, interior designers, and more. This undoubtedly adds stress to them, but the speaker shared that the most difficult challenge throughout his career would still be his own desire to be better than before.

Day 1 Session 2: Finance and Banking

Clifford works with companies such as PSA, Sembcorp to make a strategic collaboration. They are specialist providers of debt financing solutions globally to companies and projects with a nexus to Singapore in the infrastructure and maritime sectors. There are a variety of roles to suit the many interest and amplitude I may have. However, the roles will evolve constantly with the advent of technology.


Resilience: You will encounter setbacks, rejections and stresses. How you deal with them and respond is key.

Attitude: Your attitude determines your altitude.

Relationships: It is not what you know, it's who you know!

Analytical: Always be asking why? and think about key things you need to address.

Day 2 Session 3: Creative/Advertising

TBWA help firms to increase sales through many methods; youtube ad, social media campaigns and more. Perspective is key! Regardless of your position or rank, everyone is expected to share opinions. Learning from each other is essential as people of different ages tend to have things they are more familiar with than the rest (Young adults may be more familiar with social media, middle-aged may be more familiar with traditional forms of marketing - video advertisements). TBWA has a work hard play hard culture too.

3 broad components

  1. Brand management (project leader)

  2. Strategist, proposition (researchers, designers)

  3. Creative (put things together, create things)


  1. What are 3 things that you have learnt over the 2 days? Why do you think so?

    • In these 2 days, I have learnt that regardless of what profession, our attitude is the most important. Our grades will allow us to qualify for the course, but our attitude will determine how far we will go.

  1. What are 2 things that you can do with what you have gained over the 2 days?

    • I can apply this to my schooling life and also in the future.

  1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time, in terms of your education?

    • In a university, studying marketing.

  1. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time, in terms of your career?

    • I would see myself working for a marketing firm.