Chilly Penguin headshot taken by Mrs. Mayes on September 11, 2019
Image Source: Mayes, 9/11/19

Chilly Penguin (he/him/his)

Communication and Mass Media Studies major with a double minor in Music and Community Action and Social Change BA at Dominican University of California, c/o 2022

Welcome to my Dominican Digital Portfolio. The purpose of my Digital Portfolio is to support my personal growth as a student, rising professional, and as an overall penguin. As I approach my transition out of college, I hope that I am able to clearly articulate my overall college experience, gained skills and knowledge, as well as convey my individual strengths (and weaknesses) in achieving my goals.

If you are a potential employer, internship supervisor, or recruiter, please feel to contact me with any follow up questions.

Tip: Always cite sources for multimedia as well as make use of "alt-text" feature for screen reader software.

To add or edit alt text

  1. Select the image or logo.

  2. Go to More editing options. Add alt text.

  3. Enter alt text in the description field.

Source: Dominican University of California