Your personal statement or "About Me" is an introduction to who you are! You do not need to limit yourself to these questions, but do consider your audience as being your academic advisor/integrative coach, professor, peer mentor, and other professionals. Presenting a Digital Portfolio with a professional and polished tone is the desired goal.

As you evolve as a person, so will aspects of your Digital Portfolio, such as your "About Me" section. Reflecting on significant moments of learning can bring your audience in closer to understanding your lived experience.


  1. Who are you?
  2. Where are you from?
  3. Why did you decide to come to Dominican?
  4. What is your Dominican story so far?
  5. What is your major(s) (minor(s)) and why did you choose this area of study?
  6. What are your strengths? Weaknesses?
  7. What are the biggest challenges (or fears) about going to college?
  8. Who/what inspires you?
  9. What do you hope to get out of your Dominican Experience through the years?

Expectation: Generally, all new Dominican students are projected to develop their "About Me" during their first semester at Dominican. Students are to follow specific guidelines by their academic programs.


Why Dominican?

I am an out-of-state student from Haines, Alaska. I always knew I would move to California eventually. My aunt lives in San Francisco. When doing college visits, there was something about Dominican that felt right for me, the small town feel, bay area location, and interesting academic programs.

Initially when I applied to Dominican, I was pursuing the Nursing program; however, after some self reflection, I discovered this was not my true passion. Before the start of fall, I decided to change my major to Undeclared/Exploring with a Music minor. Music was one of my core passions, so it felt right to continue this applied art in college.

I have an anticipated graduation date of May 2022 with a major in Communication and Mass Media Studies with a concentration in Public Relations. In addition, I am pursuing a double minor in Music and Community Action and Social Change.

(Image Source retrieved online 9/16/19)

Who am I?


Here is a picture of me when I was close to graduating from high school. I enjoyed outdoor activities and do at times miss the icy landscape of home. To stay in touch with this part of "home" here at Dominican, I enjoy early morning swims at Conlan as well as go to the local beaches on breezy weekends.

Many of my peers are surprised to learn that I was in band in high school. I have always found it fun to entertain friends and family with my love of music. When I play, the rhythms of the tune warms my soul. No matter my main area of study, I want music to always be a part of life during and after college. I am appreciative to receive a partial scholarship from Dominican's Music program.

image of "ripples of social change"

Image Source retrieved online 9/16/19

Community Action and Social Change


After taking some CORE courses and other foundational courses to explore my academic interest, I decided to major in Communication and Media Studies. I really like working with people and understanding the social connections. How messaging is received and translated by various audiences fascinates me. My long term vision right now is to pursue a profession where I can blend my areas of study to start up my own non-profit to help youth stay motivated to complete college as well as pursue a future of positive change as a global citizen. Now that I have my long term vision, I am embarking on a new minor in Community Action and Social Change. This minor may become a double major; however, I am still exploring my developing self in relation to my evolving degree plan.

*All information presented on Chilly is fictitious.