

I'm kind of excited to try out some mediums that I haven't used too often yet in art and especially on a project that I am making for someone else. I hope it makes her day to see herself in art form. I think I will end up doing colored pencils since I really like that, but we'll see about that after I test out the other options for this project. Stay tuned to see how it turns out.

Pencil Practice

Pencil is honestly pretty easy to create something that looks good, but it's kinda sad that its not in color. So even though I like the way that it turned out, I don't think I will be doing this medium for my actually portrait.

Oil Practice

Oil Pastel was surprisingly okay and turned out way better than I expected. However it was kinda stressful when doing working on it and I just didn't enjoy making it as much as I did the others, even though I do think it looks the best out of all of these practices.

Colored Pencil Practice

I had high hopes for colored pencil, and they were severely disappointed. It was supposed to be the easiest to make into something that looks really cool and while it isn't awful it just isn't what I thought it would be at all. So that is why colored pencil is just a "no" now for this project even though above it is the medium that I said I expected I would be using.

Water Color Practice

Watercolor was also not what I expected, but I think it has the most potential. The picture here doesn't show much, but afterwards I messed around a bit with color and I think there is a chance that if I take my time I could make a really good watercolor picture for this kid. This could be either a really good or really bad choice, and so I guess we'll just have to see, but this is the medium I am going to use for the actual project.

Final Result

It's definitely not the most amazing portrait that someone in the class made, but it still is good and I'm happy it turned out at least this good. I started rushing a bit when I thought it was due a little earlier than it actually was, but I was able to slow down and focus on the details again especially on the jacket which I was scared would turn out horribly. It all came through and I'm happy that I will be able to send this to Christel so that she can enjoy it and much as I enjoyed making it. I loved making something for someone else and I hope she sees that and feels comforted by the knowledge that someone in another part of the world about her.