2D Art

Self-Portrait Drawing

Well, first art project of my sophomore year in 2D Art. I'm not a big fan of drawing myself and there are certain things about it that I still wish I could've found a way to change, but I'm happy that it at least turned out as good as it did.

Acrylic Painting

For this food project I decided to paint one of my favorite deserts, a Dutch treat, tompouce. Every day working on this project it made me hungry, but it turned out pretty good. Getting the pastry part right was kind of hard and I wish I could've found a better way to paint it, but I'm still happy with the way my tompouce turned out.

Scratch Art

Scratch art is definitely one of the scariest art projects that I have ever done. Knowing that once you do something you can't undo it is pretty daunting, but it still turned out well and I kind of enjoyed scratching. I spent a long time looking for the perfect picture and for this project I think I made the right choice of what to scratch. I love this meerkat and how it looks right out at you and I am happy with how he turned out.


I really do love watercolor, I think it may be my favorite of the different things we have done this year. Our subject for the water color was some type of architecture that meant something to us, so I chose a photo of classic Dutch buildings. The brightly colored tall buildings as well as the canal in front filled with boats, is pretty amazing and I love all it reminds me of. I like the way the colors turned out, though I am not a big fan of the pen lines that I did first, I'm still happy with the way that this watercolor turned out.

Color Pencil Drawing

Out of all of the projects this year I think that this one turned out the best. This is the first time I have used color pencils in this way and I really like it. I chose to color an Italian Vespa because I mean, they're really cool and I'm really happy with how it turned out.