3D Art

Hexagon Box

Well new year, new art class. For Junior year we have moved on to 3D art and let's just say there's a reason why I chose to take this class second. I am not nearly patient enough to deal with annoying clay problems, but after a few weeks of struggling I can say that I am actually fairly happy with the result. The glaze probably needed another layer or so for the lighter blues, but I really like how the top turned out.

Medal Mandala

Long story short I hated dealing with the metal we used for this project and ended up poking myself with its sharp corners way to many times. I literally put blood and tears into this project, but I don't actually mind the way it turned out, it looks like a pretty cool mandala.

Foam Project

Well, it's a rubber duckie. This rubber duckie is actually made out of this foamy stuff that we had to carve to look like an object. I liked my duckie a lot more before I painted the eyes and beak on, but it still looks pretty nice so I'm happy with the way it turned out.

Personal Logo

3D Art at home. I would much rather have been in the classroom for this project but I was glad to be able to still have art class even from home. The logo is supposed to represent ourselves so the "S" obviously stands for my name, Sara, and I added books because I love to read and write and the bookends are tall houses like they have in the Netherlands. I think it's a pretty cool project and definitely one I will be keeping.