

Lokkun is an orphan in Nigeria and describes himself as hardworking, playful, and smart. In the future he wants to be a lawyer and his favorite color is red. This project was really special and fun to do. It made me more grateful for everything I have, like the chance to do this project. I really hope that Lokkun likes this portrait of himself. I wanted to give Lokkun something that he would love and I didn't want to mess up, because of this I struggled for a while to complete this project. Once I finally completed it though, it was the best feeling. When it was time to turn it in, I was a little sad. I wouldn't be able to work on it anymore, but I hope that Lokkun gets a lot of joy out of this portrait and knows that there is someone out there who thinks, cares, and prays for him.


This medium was fun and pretty easy for me to use, but not my favorite out of the three options. So I decided to use colored pencils instead.

Oil Pastel

When I first started with oil pastel I was really excited. I thought that it would be the easiest for me and look really good. Well soon enough I figured out that this was not the case. This was a disaster and despite me trying to make it look better, it never did.

Colored Pencil

Using color pencils was a struggle for me at first, but it actually came pretty natural to me. Plus it looked much better than my oil pastel attempt.

The first picture was before I added some white highlights to his cheeks, nose, and forehead. Adding white really brought this portrait to life, it added dimension and made it look more life like.