Intro to Art

Hand drawing

This is my first art project of freshman year, and I had so much fun. The project was to pick a tool, take a picture, and recreate it with led pencils. This took me a long time but I am so happy with what I accomplished, especially for my first time. The hardest part was getting the shading just right, and the bottom of the tool.

clay jar

This is my first clay art project and it was such a unique expierence. The point of this jar was to get used to clay before we moved on to a clay bowl. This jar took time, but was easier than I expected.

Clay bowl

This is the finished project of my clay bowl. I made it using long rope-like pieces of clay. I didn't actually have a plan for the shape and design of the bowl. I just went for it and tried to make it unique.

INsect painting

This is the acrylic project I did. We had to pick an insect, and I picked a Huntsman Spider to paint. This painting was so much fun to do, it took a long time, but I am so proud of the results.