3D Art

Realistic Foam Carving

This foam project was harder then I anticipated, it was difficult to get the right look of the paint brush. In the end, however, it turned out better then I thought it would. I picked the paint brush, because I really enjoy water coloring. It's something that is hard to control, the paint drips, and dries too fast sometimes, but if you just go with the flow you can create something awesome. I couldn't do this with this foam project though, I had to carve little by little to make sure I didn't mess it up, because once you carve too much you can't get it back.

Personal Logo

I really enjoyed making this personal logo. It was really fun to find the right design that represented me. I chose to do a lowercase n and a capitalized H together and a dove on top. I chose a dove because I try to bring peace and love to my everyday life, it's not always easy but life is happier when peace is present.

Pottery Wheel

These bowls and mugs were so much fun to make! As I watched Mr. Langmaack demonstrate how to make something on the wheel, I though this looked so easy, I was wrong. It's hard to get the clay centered and even, but it was an enjoyable learning experience.

Raku Vase

For this vase I never really had a plan I just went with the flow. It was so awesome to see the process of firing the vase. There are lots of steps that effect the outcome of how the vase will look, and I think that mine turned out great!