Advanced Art

Dot Project 

I really enjoyed this project and loved getting to create an entire picture out of something as simple as dots. I loved getting to go through all the different steps within the process of creating the photo through the dots. While hole punching the dots was extremely time consuming and did get boring sometimes, it was cool to see how those dots eventually were used to create the picture. I have always been so interested in this project when seeing other students do it. My favorite part about this project is that it was something that is personal to me rather than drawing or painting something random. It kept the project more interesting while doing it, along with looking forward to what was to come when the project was finished. This project was super meaniningful and I enjoyed it a lot! 

Take 2 Redo

For this project we got to redo one of the many projects that we have gotten to do over the years. We had multiple different options to choose from, but ultimately we were to choose the one that we enjoyed the most and the one that we had a true desire to redo again as it is our last project within a CVC art class. I absolutely loved the animal scratch art in 2D when I did our dog Trigger, so I decided to give it another shot and do my other dog Duke! I actually liked scratch art even more the second time which I wasn't totally expecting. I loved getting to do the curls on Duke's fur. This was different than last time because Trigger had super straight hair. Once I got the hang of how to do the curls it became super easy. It was fun getting to do all the different shades that Duke has in his hair. I loved this project and it was super fun to end on one that I enjoyed! 

I really enjoyed this project and it was super fun to know who it was going to go to throughout the whole process of drawing the portrait. I loved getting to draw with pencils again since I haven't done that since last year in 2D. As the process went on I was reminded of the many values that are needed in order to make your portrait represent what the picture is like and really bring it to life. I really like the way it turned out and was excited to be able to use a touch of colored pencils at the end on his shirt in order to give the portrait a touch of color, including making it Mayank's favorite color red.