3D Art

Personal Logo

Something that inspired me to make my logo look like it does is my love for sports! Sports are a big part of my life and a lot of my time gets put into it and I love the way that it challenges me. Art does the same thing for me, especially in this project. I had to get creative and find something that showed who I am and what I think describes me best. I really enjoyed this project and love the way that it turned out. I learned how to make a 3D logo out of things as simple as cardboard, tape, paper, water, glue, and paint.

Foam Carving Project

This is my kitkat that is made out of foam. It started as a big rectangular block and ended up looking like this! Throughout this process I had to have a lot of patience. I had to make sure I carved it perfectly to the correct size of the actual kitkat. The hardest part was carving out the middle part. It was cool to use an excto knife in such a delicate way compared to how it usually is used! I am very happy with the way it turned out and really enjoyed making it and the process to make it!

Animal Carving

This is my Zebra that I made for my animal carving project. The process of making this animal was very time consuming and required a lot of patience and trust. You had to trust the process. While this project was difficult, it taught me a lot about carving clay and how to show the certain muscles and bones that are on an animal's body. I wasn't a big fan of this project until we reached the end, and it started to actually look like a Zebra. I would definitley do this project again.

Tissue Paper Lamp

I had a hard time with this project in the beginning because I had no idea what I was going for or what kind of llamp I wanted to make. It took me a couple different tries to figure out what I wanted but it finally came to me and I ended up loving it! This project was a great one to fill in my time at the end of the year after finishing my clay animal. I thought it was fun to hot glue all of the different reeds together, and then wrap the lights around it as well. I also thought it was fun to see everyone else's lamps and see how nobody's turned out exactly the same! I really enjoyed this project.