2D Art

Self Portrait

This is my self portrait, this project was challenging but I feel that I learned a lot thoughout the process as well. When I first started the project I feel like I wasn't making the jurastic values that I needed to make in order for the portrait to look like me. It's something that is hrd to do when you can't see the end result yet, but when you do get to that point it is totally worth it and makes the portrait so much better. This piece was meaningful to me because I was able to create a piece that looked somewhat like me, while learning new skills at the same time. By the end of this project, this was what I had hoped for, and I was proud of the piece of art I had created. This piece taught me not only art skills, but other skills as well. That includes mainly patience and trust.

Animal Scratch Art

This project was so much fun!! I chose to do something more personal for this project, so I chose a picture of my family's lab, Trigger. I was really excited for this project since It was something new that I had never seen or done before. I learned how to make longer scratch marks and shorter ones for when the fur was either longer or shorter. I learned that when you put more scratches, the lighter It gets. But when you put less, It Is darker. This skill was necessary for the whole project since you really have to emphasize the light parts and the dark parts of the animal to show what they truly look like and what their features are. This project turned out better than I thought It would be. I really like the way that It turned out and getting to have a picture of our dog Is great! My favorite part about this project would probably be the ears where It shows the different shadows that appear on them and the way they fold. I am so glad we got the chance to do this project!

Colored Pencil Transportation

Out of all the projects this year, this was probaly my favorite one. I really enjoyed using the colored pencils. I also liked that with the picture I chose, I got to use lots of different colors with them. It was fun to get to shade the colors and give them shadows in certain places. I learned how to make sure that the drawing looked good by using my pencil in the same direction when I use it, along with learning how to blend it. When blending I was also able to leaarn how to make different colors by mixing the different colors of the pencils. I had learned how to do this within paint but hadn't gotten the chance to learn how to with pencils so that was really fun to learn throughout the process. My favorite part about this project was that I was able to make it my own. There were some colors of the hot air balloon that were on the original picture that I ended up changing for my actual project. This made it feel more like it was mine and also helped me like my project more as I continued through the process.

Architectural Watercolor

I really enjoyed this project. I had only used water colors one time before that but this time we were able to dive deeper Into the project. I was able to learn more technique with this watercolor rather than the first time I used them. I learned the skill of how to make a shadow on certain parts of the painting to show how that part of the building was shaped or where It was In the picture. I picked this picture to paint because I liked the simplicity of It and how there were simple colors. I was excited to try out the leaves and paint those and they ended being really fun. I even learned another technique where you use different shades of that certain color to give It more depth and to show what leaves were closer to the camera compared to others. Ultimately this project ended up being really fun and ended up being what I hope It would be In the end. My favorite part about this painting would have to be the leaves and the flowers that are on the branches. I liked the pop of pink that Is within all of the different branches and leaves. It really brings the painting together.

Food Painting

Here is the food painting that I was able to create with mainly oil pants. These paints were helpful when making this project because they didn't dry super fast and you would have the opportunity to come back the next day and maybe work on soething that you didn't feel like was complete the day before. In this project, I learned how to truly just be loose with my painting to try and make it look more expressive rather than real. This was something that was difficult at first, but as I did it more I was more comfortable with it and I liked the look of it more. The goal of the project was to make sure the food painting didn't look so flat and boring, but rather expressive and dramatic. I feel that this was something I was able to achieve within this project. My favorite part about this was probably adding the sprinkles at the end because it finally brought out the more fun side of the painting which was all the colors of the sprinkles rather than the boring color of the frosting. I enjoyed this project and all of the skills that came with it.