2d Art

Self Portrait

Some of the new things I learned doing this project is how to draw a realistic person and shade it right and draw hair. This art project is meaningful to me because it took a really long time to do and it is a picture of myself. The goal was achieved in my opinion because for my first time drawing a face it looks pretty good I would say. I liked doing the features like the teeth and eyes the best because that is when it really started coming together. My least favorite part was the hair and fixing the smile because they were time consuming and were hard to figure out. This can influence my future art works by reminding me to take my time so it doesn't look rushed. Overall, I like my drawing and had a fun time doing it.

Pie Painting

I learned some new techniques from this painting. I learned how to make it a style that I normally wouldn't attempt. My goal was mostly achieved and I say mostly because I think that it looks like a pie but some parts could be better in my opinion. My favorite part to do was the brown crust because I think it looks the best and it didn't have to be perfect. My least favorite part was definitely the shadow of the whipped cream because I could never get the color right so I went over it so many times trying to get it right. This will influence my future projects because it taught me that sometimes faster art is better than things that take a long time to make. All in all, I like it and am happy to add it to my collection of 2D art projects.

Scratch Art

I have learned a lot of new things from doing the scratch art project. First of all, I chose this picture to use because I thought it was cute and would challenge me to make different colors of fur and different textures in it. I learned how to scratch the black paper to make it look like fur by going in certain directions with my strokes and putting more or less scratches for the light or dark parts of the fur. My goal in this project was to make the cheetah look realistic and make the lights and darks pop well together. I think I achieved my goal because it looks like a cheetah and the darks and lights work together well to show that. The best part of it is the bridge of the nose because it makes it look like it is 3D with shadows and different textures. This project will influence my upcoming projects by showing me not to be lazy and rush to get it done because it looks better when you take your time and put effort into all the details.

Watercolor painting

This is my watercolor project. I chose to paint a picture of my grandparent's beach house in Pacific Grove. To paint this was very relaxing and I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. I learned that even if it is a darker color but lighter value, it might not look right in some areas. My goal in this project was to make it look neat because the house itself is neat and that is the style that I wanted to do. I think I achieved this goal. My favorite part of the project is the shadows because they pull the whole painting together. My least favorite part is some of the bushes and you can't really tell what is going on there in parts of it. Overall, I really enjoyed coming into art every day and working on the project because it was so relaxing for me and I learned many things as well.

Colored pencil Car

This is the colored pencil car that I chose to draw. This is my friend, Michael Fring's car and I chose to draw it because I like his car a lot and I am going to give the finished drawing to him. I learned lots of things from drawing it as well. I learned how to blend so it is smooth and not weird-looking. I also learned to pay close attention to small details and shadows to bring it to life. My goal was to make it look real and look as close to a picture as possible. I think I achieved the goal of making it look real. This project was very fun to do and I really enjoyed all of it but my favorite part to do was the wheels because I was scared to do them but I actually had a lot of fun coloring them and I think they look pretty good. My least favorite part is the front of the car because there was a lot going on so it was hard to figure out. Overall, I loved doing this project and it would influence my other projects by paying close attention to the colors and details because that really makes it look real.