Introduction to Studio Art

Nine Line Drawing

This is my nine line drawing. I picked to draw a cabin in the forest because I saw that all of the lines would work to do that. The lines up top would draw trees and the middle lines would draw a cabin. I learned that I can be creative and make anything out of random lines. It was easy to learn how to color the colors thick. It was hard to create something out of some of the lines.

Hand and Tool Drawing

This is my hand and tool drawing. I liked drawing this. It was hard but I learned a lot of basics. It was fun to add value. It was hard to outline the hand but easy to outline the saw. I am happy about how it turned out. I could have done better with separating the fingers and the saw. I could have added a bit more value to places to make some things pop more. I like how the saw turned out the most.

Insect Painting

This is my insect painting. I chose to paint a picture of a firefly. I am really happy about how this turned out. I am surprised with my result and am proud of it. I think I did good on making it dramatic and blending it. If I could change one thing, I would add a shadow around the bug.

Clay Whistle

This is my clay camel whistle. This was my favorite project to make so far. I learned the basics of clay and how it works. I learned how to attach pieces of clay to others. I wish I had done it faster so I could have done better on the head. I ran out of time to work with the clay. I like what I chose to do and am happy with the result.

Clay Coil Bowl

This is my clay coil bowl. I learned how to make a bowl using coils and a mold. I also learned what had to happen in order for it to stay in one piece. Making this bowl was fun and a little challenging. I like the design and the color that I chose to do. I learned that clay shrinks when fired in the kiln.

Clay Jar

This is my clay jar. In this project, I learned how to cut a piece of clay in half and how to hollow it out. I liked how we did it and how simple it is. I liked what I chose to do and what to color it. I picked a starfish because It will go with my house.

Water Color

This is my water color fish. This is one of my top favorite projects we have done so far. In this project, I have learned how to make a good, uncontrolled background and a good controlled fish. I learned how to make a water color painting with layers. I learned how to blend colors and add shadows. I like how this turned out and am happy with how I did. I also liked adding pen work at the end.

Spot the Difference

This project was fun and I am glad that we did it. I am happy with the reason we are doing it and it was an overall fun and simple project. My favorite part was getting to press the eyeball icons and seeing my progress. The hardest part was outlining objects with the lasso tool. I think we did the best way of doing this project. The instructions are great and I like the fact that we did it with a partner. I like the final outcome of my picture and my partner’s picture. I like the book overall as well. We were creative and the pictures are clean. I hope that people who view our book find it at least a little bit challenging but very fun. I hope it keeps their brain occupied and distracted in the waiting room.

Tell a 3D Story

I liked to make this project because of the element of freedom and the ability to be original. I liked using random materials that I could find around my house and how I could use them however I liked. It was fun to make a piece of art out of scraps and for it to tell a whole story. In this project I learned how to be creative with everyday items and put them together to tell a whole story. I like how it turned out and and proud of it.