Advanced Art 

Lots of Dots Project 

This was a semester-long project that was made with a lot of dots from markers. It took a lot of dedication and commitment to the process. I had many ups and downs with this project and was feeling overwhelmed with finishing it on time. But I was able to dedicate myself to it finals week and was able to finish it. Overall, I am content with the results and am proud of myself for being able to finish it. 

Re-do Project

Throughout high school my favorite project was the painting we did in 2D Art and so I knew that if there was a project I would want to do again, it would be this. I picked a MRI scan of the brain because of my future endeavors in the  medical field. Thus, this piece had a closer connection with me and when drawing it, it felt full circle with this class and the future. It was difficult at times, especially with the limited colors but I really feel like I brought it to life. I am proud of this painting and glad it was the finally project I completed in Advanced Art.