2D Art


I loved the idea of this painting but I'm afraid I was way too over my head. Fortunately, I was able to salvage a bit of it and make it look better then it was before. I really like how the fork turned out and the right side of the cake. I think I could have done better in the berries and the shape of the plate. The plate looks a bit off but I think you can tell what it is when you look at it. The background was initially a dark blue but with the pastel pink and complex background I had before I was afraid it would distract from the cake and colors would not look good together. Nevertheless, I think it was a fun assignment and really fun to do and learn a bit more about Acrylic paint.


This project was different than anything Ive ever done because color pencils are easier to be precise but the layering is different. Initially, I was pretty confident but somehow God knew how to humble me. Don't get me wrong I think It came out decent but there would have been somethings I would've changed. Im really proud how the legs turned out because it very much does look like real skin and legs. I am least proud of my background and usually with paint it is the other way around. Even though, it was a bit hard to get it perfect it was oddly very therapeutic, especially during this finals time period; so I am thankful for that.


This was very hard to do because I am not very skilled at drawing with a pencil and so I felt very discouraged when it would not come right. Consequently, Mr. Langmaack gave us the suggestion to start over and so I did and was able to become better at shading. I shaded my skin very well and I'm very proud of it. Overall, I enjoy and learned more techniques because of this project!