Onshape modelling

I'm start to make the 3D modeling by using onshape. I made the copy of the template and now I'm going to desing my 3D modeling. They have 3 layers and mosquito coil holder. Now, I'm going to make same as I did on the foam modeling. They have many functionss, but I'm usually using sketch, extrude and split. We can use only these three funtions to remove the parts and seperate resin and wood. The sketch is the hardest one, I'm not drawing the design by using the pen, so it was really hard for me.

I'm start to make the parts. Fristable, I'm using function of sketch to draw the parts that I will remove and click the extrude. In the extrude, we have to clikc the surface and the line that I was drawing in sketch. Use the arrow to the line go back. The last part is the split. Click the layers that you want to remove. I have to remove only the first layer, so I was only clicking the first layer and we also have to clikc the extrude. Then you might have two parts on the parts session. If we click the eyes then we can see the parts if the eyes have diagonal line, we cannot see the parts.

I'm going to finish the remove the parts. Also, I made the space for coil holder. Go to sketch and click the function of center circle point. Then you have the point of circle center. Then you just guess the middle of the coil holder and draw the circle. Mine was the 108 size. Do the same way we did on extrude and split. The hardest one for me was the middle part. I had to make same height with back layers. That was the hardest one. 

I started to split the wooden and resin parts. It was the same way that I was did. It  doesn't look hard, but it was quite hard. I had to divide same as I did on modeling, but the line was keep straight. I think that is not quite same as I did.

Next task, is add some colour on there. I don't know that I can add the pictures, if I cannot add the pictures like the real resin and wooden pictures. I cannot add just the colour. I'm still thinking about the wooden colour. In my think, the black is more better than the brown wooden, but I think I have to paint the wood when I choose the black wooden.

I putted some colours on there. I don't know how can I add the pictures, so I just put the colour only. On the resin part, I will gonna pour the blue resin, so I putted the blue colour, but it looks like the form. On the wood, which is in the top, I putted the black colour, cause the black looks more better. Then, I have to paint the wood for  black colour. I have some problems, my assembly was didn't work. I can see only my remove part. 

Finally, I changed my wooden colour and I solved my assembly problems. I think everyone has the not the complete modeling in assembly at first, so I followed the video again. I brought the my modeling in the part studio and make their coil holder are in the same location. I turn off the original coil holder, then I have the the pin in the middle!! But I have the problem again. I cannot click the function which called "Edit in context." I don't know how can I solve the problems, so I just keep going in.

I'm finally make the hole for the mosquito coil holder and bring it into the drawing. I made the drawing file and bring the assembly into drawing. I have use the A3 size not the A4. I putted the size of the 1:1 on the drawing and I also putted the 3D model of the assembly. In the 3D model, I have choose the size of 1:2. I exported the drawing in PDF file, so later Mrs. Douglas can print my PDF file. I'm now finished the onshape, it's time to do the AR modeling. This AR modeling is going to working on our ipad.