
Please be advised, the pieces presented here may contain sensitive or serious content.

"Strangers" by Ethel Cain 

Video by Frances Berta and featuring Cassidy Sturgeon.

Genre: Music Video 

boneappetite (1080p).mp4

Bone Appetit - Blaire Brown 

Genre: Horror - May contain sensitive content 

People have started to go missing at Blue's summer camp, and it isn't until his best friend is taken that he starts to question what's going on. 

  • Red Light Green Light - Jane DiMaso

Genre: Comedy/Satire

Mansplaining on a physical level. Two high schoolers decide that they must battle over a girl to take to the spring dance.

  • "A new kind of love- frou frou" - Emily Ball, featuring Olive Case

Genre: Music Video 

  • The Oblivious - Sion Clay 

Genre: Horror/Thriller 

A psychological thriller about a dad's weird obsession with his autographed photo of Patton Oswalt, and his daughter who hates his relationship with his photo.