Freshmen Lessons

Over the course of the school year, the Nipmuc Justice Coalition will be working on presenting lessons related to social justice to the Class of 2024. We believe that an essential part of being a student at Nipmuc Regional High School is to learn about social issues so that our students can be socially responsible, global citizens. We look forward to meeting students from the Class of 2024 and engaging in important conversations with them throughout the year. Check back here soon to learn more specifics about upcoming lessons and to find presentations and resources from completed lessons!

The 2020 Freshmen Lesson Topics:

  1. Intro to NJC and the Systems of Opression

  2. All About Bias

  3. Microagressions: What, When, and Where

  4. Systemic Privilege

These lessons will begin in Semester 2 of the 2020-2021 school year.