ADL Training

October 2020 - The Nipmuc Justice Coalition engaged in a two day training through the Anti Defamation League to further the scope of our knowledge regarding social justice. We participated in activities, discussed topics together, learned from experts, and gathered resources to bring back to the Nipmuc community. While each of us had different individual takeaways from the training, we all learned so much and are excited to make our new perspectives actionable. We want to send a BIG thank you to the Mendon Upton Education Foundation (MUEF) for sponsoring our training. We plan to use all of the resources and knowledge from our training sessions and incorporate our takeaways into our monthly open meetings. Hope to see you soon!

Infographic that reads "Bias = Thought, Stereotype = Idea, Predjudice = Feeling, Discrimination = Action." At the bottom it says "ADL Training – Nipmuc Justice Coalition."