
Nipmuc Justice Coalition works towards equality through educating, not only themselves but the people around them. Education is a key factor in the growth and progress of social justice. Whether the education is on statistics and data, personal experiences, or everyday habits, finding this information and expanding on it is a crucial step in achieving social justice.

We work to educate our school community about social issues by hosting monthly open forum discussions, integrating social justice themes across content areas, and providing opportunities to learn about issues related to underrepresented groups both locally and globally.

Glossary of Justice Terms:

Black silhouette of a human head with a brain in white.
  • Ableism: discrimination against disabled individuals

  • Ageism: discrimination against certain age groups

  • Anti-Bias: working to challenge discriminatory prejudices which exist in our society

  • Anti LGBTQIA+ Bias: prejudice against homosexual people and other LGBTQIA+ identifying people

  • Anti Semitism: discrimination or prejudice against Jewish people

  • Classism: discrimination against people of a certain social class (typically against the lower classes)

  • Colorism: prejudice within an ethnic group against people with darker skin tones

  • Discrimination: negative or harmful actions towards a particular social group

  • Equality: everyone getting treated the same way as one another despite systemic inequality

  • Equity: everyone getting the tools and resources that they need, which takes into account the systemic inequalities that exist in society

  • Implicit Bias/Unconcious Bias: an unconscious stereotype or prejudice that associates certain qualities towards certain social groups

  • Anti Muslim Discrimination: prejudice against Muslim people or the religion of Islam

  • Justice: addressing systemic inequality in order to liberate marginalized groups

  • Prejudice: preconceived assumption or judgment of a particular group of people that is not based on fact, reality, or truth

  • Privilege: an advantage or special right that people of only certain social groups have

  • Racism: prejudice against people of color, particularly black or indigenous people

  • Sexism: prejudice on the basis of sex, typically against women

  • Systemic Inequality: structural and institutionalized inequality that harms certain social groups

  • Anti Transgender Discrimination: prejudice against transgender or transexual people

What is a Microaggression?

A statement, action, or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group such as a racial or ethnic minority.

  • Microaggressions can appear to be a compliment but often contain a hidden insult to the groups to whom it is directed.

  • Microaggressions are often outside the conscious awareness of the people who express them.


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."-- Nelson Mandela