Module 1: Setting Goals

The following Time Management Modules are designed to be used as a whole, working your way from Module 1 to Module 4, or can be used individually to fit your needs. To begin, read through the following text and then click and open the "Goal Setting" form below to begin the activity.

Module 1 will help you fully develop and articulate your goal(s), around which all of your other time management decisions can be made.

As you begin this module, think about your answers to these questions. If you can’t answer them all at this point, that’s OK, but this is “food for thought” as you begin to structure your time to reach your goals.

  • How badly do I want to “do college” and earn this degree or certificate? Is this my goal or someone else’s?
  • Do I understand I will need to give up things in order to accomplish my goal – less time for friends, less time for social activities, less time for hobbies?
  • What issues come up that make me feel overwhelmed and feel like I don’t have enough time to commit to those things that will help me reach my goal? Do I feel pulled in many directions, and therefore unable to focus? Do I find myself saying “I’ll get to that later?” and then feeling anxious when I know I didn’t get things done? Who do I talk to about this? Who’s my support system?

Download and print the Goal Setting Form, and complete each step.

GOAL SETTING2 (002).pdf