Module 2: Calculating Your use of Time

Module 2 will help you really clarify where you are spending your time each week. Once you understand how you truly spend your time, you can start making informed decisions about how you WANT or NEED to spend your time. People are often surprised by the results of this activity.

Read through the following text and then click the Time Calculator link below to begin the activity. The University of Wisconsin has a great tool to help you think about this important topic.

As you begin the activity, think about your answers to these questions. If you can’t answer them all at this point, that’s OK, but this is “food for thought” as you think about how you spend your time and what your priorities are.

  • Am I aware of the time commitment courses and homework will take? Am I willing to make that time commitment?
  • What time elements in my life do I have no control over? I have to go to work; my parents expect me to watch my little brother; I have to pick kids up from school; I have to prepare dinner. I need to calculate the time for these and schedule them or alter my class schedule to accommodate or have a discussion with family or boss to change some of my hours or responsibilities in order to do well in classes.

Activity link: Time Calculator