the reason I say flame thrower, is a good thing to have is because, well you can burn the zombies and light fires to keep yourself warm. you could also use it for making a signal to other survivors.

In this page, I will be talking about a zombie apocalapyse, (this is all pretend) and the things you would need to survive. the things you would need are, weapons, food, water, friends, family, cars, gas, a rallying point, a fallback house with everything you need, a helicopter, flashbangs, and a flamethrower, along with face masks.

okay, so the reason you would need a flashbang is to disorient your attackers. this would be good because then they can't attack you, plus if they're blind, they're easier to...dispose of.

okay, I know what you are thinking, but a military helicopter would be nice for getting around helping other survivors. after all the more people you have the more you can repel the zombies. also, a military helicopter is armed to the teeth, and that could be a good defense.

weapons would be good to have so that you can defend yourself against zombies. if such a thing were to happen. I might recommend swords and guns for this task.

food is estieal to human survival. if we did not have food we would be dead, and during a zombie, apocalypse food is all the more important.

water is very important bucause without water, you will die.

a safe fallback house is always a good idea. if your main house was lost then you could take the attack helicopter to your backup house.

having family in a zombie apocalypse is a good idea because they will be there for you and you have others to protect you and for you to protect.

having friends is important. and in a zombie apocalypses well they will be very helpful.

ground transportation is also vital, if you don't have then getting around will be a pain.

a gas can is important so that you can fuel your vehicles.

face masks would be good to, so that you don't breathe in any zombie filth.