Roger Almeida's Global Portfolio

"Life opens up opportunities to you, and you either take them or you stay afraid of taking them."

Jim Carrey

Who is Roger Almeida?

Hi, my name is Rogerio Almeida and I'm a Global Scholar at Andover High School. Going into high school I had no clue that a program like Global Pathways existed, but I was suggested to do it by one of my teachers freshman year. Ever since then I have loved being involved with the program. I love the message and objectives of Global Pathways and I have tried to implement them wherever I can in my everyday life. I try to be more conscious of my impact on the people around me and think of myself as a small part in a greater community, both locally and globally. Regardless of whether it's in travelling or just my everyday life at school I try to have an open mind that is always learning and adapting, but not judging. Global Pathways has expanded my mind to greater experiences and exposed me to many different cultures and people that I would have been closed off to without the program. I am very grateful for what it has done for me and I believe that it has made my high school experience much more productive, enlightening, and fun.

I went on two Global Trips during my high school experience.

Community service projects that I was involved with.

Enrichment experiences hosted by Global Pathways

My research project through a global lens.

Courses I completed that align with global values.