
Students are expected to take action on a service project in their local community or in other parts of the world.  Many of our students have had success in combining travel with service, through community building projects in associated destinations.  Other students choose to participate in what we call "glocal" service - local opportunities to give back through a global lens.  Students should choose a service opportunity that supports their 'pathway' choice, meaning that it should be connected to the area(s) of interest that students wish to pursue or discover. 

My Service 

While I have not yet had the opportunity to complete global service I have done a plethora of service within my local community or "Glocal" service. Continue reading to learn more about the service I have completed and how that ties into my Global Goal! 

The Andona Society 

The Andona Society is a non-profit organization in the andover community that raises money for the youth of Andover. I have worked with the Andona Society for my entire high school career helping them with fundraisers and events that give back to andover kids. The money they raise goes into the education system as well as the extracurricular activities that are in the Andover community. With the funding that these programs receive from Andona they are able to continue to provide the activities that keep Andover youth happy and healthy. 

Glen Doherty Memorial Foundation

The Glen Doherty Memorial Foundation (GDMF) is a non-profit organization that raises money for families of fallen soldiers and veterans. They are based in Winchester Massachusetts and each year they host a 5k and 10k road race for the surrounding community. Throughout my 4 years in the high school I have helped them organize this road race which not only raises money for an important cause but also promotes a healthy life style. 

Greater Lawrence Community Boating Program 

The Greater Lawrence Community Boating Program is an organization that hosts numerous activities and programs for the surrounding youth. I have volunteered here numorus times throughout my high school years helping them to clean and maintain the boathouse so that it is able to be used by the community. This program allows for underserved families to have an outlet outdoor activitys helping them to stay active and involved. 

Local Food Pantries  

During my time as a global scholar i have voulenteered with local food pantries such as Lazurus House and Bread and Roses to provide food for those in need. One of the activities me and another group of kids completed was making sandwiches for the Lazarus house. I also have been a member of bread and roses baking club which organizes a group of students to bake a specific treat for the food pantrie to give out to people in need.