
Sophmore Year 

Spanish III

This course focused largely on the current events and history of iconic locations within Latin America. While this class did touch on grammar within the Spanish language, it was more of an opportunity for us to practice our Spanish in real-world scenarios. We were able to discuss and comprehend the language in past tense when talking about historic events and in the present when referencing current news. This class involved lots of group work and projects as we researched these areas of the world. 

The Modern World 

This course was divided into 3 sections based on different areas of the world. We started the year learning about the ancient history of East Asia and then we moved into the Islamic empires. As the year continued we moved into the Middle Ages and focused in on Europe during this time period. To finish the year we discussed the renaissance all throughout the globe. This course taught me new ways of learning history as most of our lessons surrounded art and we connected it to what we were discussing that day. I really enjoyed this class as it focused around group work and small/large presentations, furthering my collaboration and public speaking skills! 


As a class we explored various tecniques and styles of painting which allowed us to figure out our prefered style. For me, it was water color. This class was a fantastic opportunity for me becasue it taught me to use art, specifically painting to calm my anxiety. This course taught me to appreciate art more and read into the story that these works tell. Before this course i never connected with art and thought that it was boring. Now i can look at art throigh a new lense and see the beuty and emotion that it displays. 

Junior Year 

US History II

This course exposed the unpopular past of American history. We frequently discussed slavery and discrimination, starting with how it originated all the way to what its is like today. We spent a whole section of the year learning about the education system and the workplace in past and present America. This course was project and lesson based helping me to better my presentation and organizational skills. 

Hispanic Language and Culture 

This course built on my prior knowledge of the Spanish language and served as a pre requisite class to AP Spanish. We spent lots of time reading and analizing articles from different Spanish speaking areas on a variety of topics. This class helped me to develop my skills so I can use them to communicate with people from around the world.  After this course i felt extreamly confident in my spanish and was impressed at the skills that i obtained throughout the year. 

AP Biology 

Biology is something that everyone around the world can connect on which makes it applicable on a global scale. This rigorous course taught me all about human biology, starting from the cell and its organelles, all the way to organs and organ systems. This course was very much test based but it helped me to develop study skills that i will use for the rest of my life. 

Senior Year 

Latin American Cinema 

This class used films and videos to show different cultures throughout Latin America and the United States. Each film came with lots of discussion and assignments to have us practice our Spanish in a conversational tone. The films have educated me on many topics that I wouldn't have been aware of without this course. This class has been a great opportunity for me to use my Spanish with a global lense. 


Through this intensive Capstone Research class, I have been able to pursue my own research project.  Focusing on the social-emotional benefits of sports, with the goal of promoting sports to youth by identifying the benefits that they offer. I have been able to conduct research in the form of surveys and interviews, which were carried out within the Andover High School Community. 

AP Psychology 

This course focused on understanding human development and why the brain works the way that it does. I learned about human development, how people respond to situations, parts of the brain, and human cognition.  This course helped to show me how people, regardless of where they may live, are similar and what motivates them to act the way they do.  With a global lens, people around the world are similar in a sense that they have similar development and cognition.