
What is Global Pathways?

 The APS Global Pathways Scholars (GPS) Endorsement Program is a three-year experience for students and faculty to thrive as global citizen-scholars in our complex, dynamic, and diverse global society. GPS students are guided by faculty advisors as they travel their global path through world language study, immersive experience, service learning, a Capstone research project, course work and other experiences that lead toward the Endorsement for Global Engagement. 

All About Me 

Hi there! My name is Audrey Haskell and I am a senior at Andover High School. Welcome to my Global Portfolio! 

I joined Global Pathways beginning of my sophomore year after hearing that this club focuses on helping the world around us. That year, coming out of covid I was searching for a way to make a positive impact on the world around me. This club seemed like a perfect opportunity to achieve this goal. I am a person who loves traveling the world and immersing myself in new cultures. The Global Pathways program will have me work towards becoming a global citizen, someone who is aware of and understands the wider world – and their place in it. I am passionate about helping people which has led me to want to pursue a career in medicine. I can see myself using my career in medicine across the globe as I travel to help those in need as well as experience new cultures. 

Global Goals 

The Global Pathways program is based on the UN Global Goals. Each student chooses a Global Goal that they work towards throughout their 3 years involved in the program. I choose good health and well-being for my global goals. Through Global, I have worked on enrichment activities and completed a capstone project that aligns with this goal. The driving question for my Capstone project is What are the Social Emotional Benefits of Sports During Adolescents? Check out the capstone section of my website to learn more!