Tech Apps 

Chris Pratt

This is Chris Pratt in vector art form, it took a long time to make because, I had to find the perfect photo.

This is an extra credit assignment I made for my tech apps class using the same method as the chris pratt above.


These are my most recent achievements

This is my typing average in

Drawing About Me

This is my drawing about me project it says I like Pokemon 

012 Assignment 

This is my Happy Summer Google Drawing. I wanted to do winter because I love the snow but i couldn't find anything to use

This is my Tri-colored duck

every duck was colored and at a normal looking lighting but for the assignment we had to change the lighting and the color of some of the ducks.

035 Assignment 

This is my 035 assignment the first picture is the burn picture the burn tool makes the pixels look darker. The middle one is the original picture. The last picture is the dodge picture the dodge tool make the pixels.

036 Assignment

Do you see all the words that are all different tools in adobe photoshop.

038 Assignment 

Do you see the colorful frogs on the tree I used adobe photoshop to add them to this picture on the orange frog I used  this tool called posterize I don't really know what that does but then I used the brush tool to make the outline of the important stuff then i used the brush tool to make the inside of the frog orange and put yellow dots with the help of the smudge tool I got the look I have now on the orange frog. On the blue frog I used this thing called colorize because it started out as a black and white colored frog but when I used colorize and it does this thing where you can choose what colors you want it to be