Core Classes

ELAR or Reading

These are some essays I made in  Reading or ELAR

My Dad’s Deployment 

Last January my dad was deployed to Kuwait. It was inevitable because if he wanted to retire with retirement pay he would have to deploy one more time. It was hard to talk to him because there is a nine hour time difference in kuwait and even when we did get to talk to him the calls would drop, which means we would be talking one minute then the next the call would drop and we would have to wait till tomorrow or the next day to talk to him.

         One reason my dads deployment was hard was because of my little brother he had a really hard time while my dad was deployed. My dad was the only one who really understood him because my brother and my dad are almost the exact same person, and since my dad was deployed my little brother was always really mad or rude, and since he was so mad all the time he would fight with one of my little sisters. While my dad was deployed I had to step up and be a peacemaker so when my siblings would fight.


I would say “Hey guys stop fighting because it just stresses mom out more.” 


   Then they would both reply  “Stay out of it Lincoln, you're not the boss of us.” 


 Another reason my dad’s deployment was hard was because most of the time I would have to babysit my siblings. Most of the time they wouldn’t listen to me, making me more irritated. While my dad was deployed he missed a lot of once in a lifetime things such as my twelfth birthday which was really sad because on my the birthdays he would have usually taken me to do something fun like going to the movies or going fishing but that didn’t happen last year because of his deployment, he also missed my fifth grade graduation which was sad because it only happens once in a lifetime.

        While my dad was deployed I had to take more responsibility which meant I had to take out the trash a lot more and when it was time to do chores I had to do most of the cleaning because my siblings would go and hide or just sit and not do the chores but we would eventually get the house cleaned most but most of the time it was mostly me and my mom that would clean because my siblings would rebels against cleaning.

    Another reason my dad’s deployment was hard was because me and my family couldn’t go anywhere because my younger brother didn’t feel safe when it was just my mom watching us at places like Six flags and urban air so we would usually say. 


       Not all think that my dad’s deployment was all bad, because of my dad’s deployment I feel like I have become a better person because I had to learn how to take care of my siblings and my family. Another thing is if my dad's deployment hadn’t had happened then i would have never met a pair of missionaries that help me and my whole family get through my dad’s deployment because when we had them over it took our minds off of my dad being gone because we would always do fun stuff like the sprite challenge, the tortilla challenge.

       My dad got home from his deployment in December of 2022 and he surprised me in one of my 8 classes which was really cool because my school district filmed it and I put it on my youtube channel on february 3 and now it has 1,627 views. Another reason it was really cool to have him home is because now the calls don’t  drop any more which was really relieving because we know that he is safe here. We got to go fishing when he got home which was really fun.

Brian struggles and my struggles

The book Hatchet by Gary Paulsen is about a protagonist named Brian Robeson and his struggle in the wilderness. First let's explore how Brian got here. He was on a plane to Canada to see his father and the pilot had a heart attack and crashed the plane. The pilot dies and Brian survives the crash but is met with tons of problems.

Brian faces family problems. He knows a secret that led to the “divorce. It was an ugly word, he thought.  A tearing, ugly word that meant fights and yelling…” from his parents. He was angry with his mom. He lives with his mom and doesn’t have his dad near him. Brian can’t see his dad every day. He has no control over the divorce and it hurts him. 

I can kind of relate to this because my dad was deployed to Kuwait and it was hard.  He kept everyone straight at home. When he was gone there was lots of bad attitude towards my mom especially from my younger brother.  It was tough because he was gone for 11 months. My little brother would annoy me alot.  I had no control over my dad leaving for deployment. It was very frustrating.  It hurt me because I couldn't see him in person and had to wait a long time

"When Dinosaurs Walked the Earth"

Since I was a little kid I've always dreamed of seeing a dinosaur alive, walking and breathing. We could learn if some really had feathers and how some animals from the dinosaur's time survived the asteroid. We could learn about evolution and how it occurred. We could only bring back herbivores and maybe a Carnotaurus and/or an Allosaurus, just to be safe. However, not a velociraptor because in Jurassic World the raptors turn on Owen and he barely makes it out alive. Not the Dilophosaurus because one of them ate Ned in Jurassic Park. Definitely not the T-rex because it almost killed everyone in the park.


Another reason we should bring back the dinosaurs is because of how cool it would be to see herbivores in nature eating from grass and carnivores hunting. We could establish big nature reserves like in Africa so their spices could thrive.


Another reason to bring back dinosaurs is because I could see an Allosaurus and Triceratops, which are some of my favorite dinosaurs. Additionally, kids with obsessive traits with dinosaurs may have brain benefits. “There's decades of research to back that up: Three separate studies have found that older children with intense interests tend to be of above-average intelligence. A dino obsession, then, can be a kid’s way of taking in a new subject in a way that feels familiar to them: through the business of having fun.” (CNN)

There are some reasons why we shouldn’t bring dinosaurs back. One reason is it would probably cost a lot of money and the government would most likely get involved and want to regulate the process. It would probably be best to have privately owned science companies spend money to bring back dinosaurs. 

Another reason we shouldn’t bring back dinosaurs is because it would be dangerous because dinosaurs could escape and cause havoc by eating people or hurting them. There’s one more reason we shouldn’t bring back the dinosaurs, because there's no telling what some people could do to them that could Use, abuse and hurt dinosaurs. 

My last and main reason is because dinosaurs are amazing creatures. For example, some dinosaurs evolved into birds which is amazing because that means some dinosaurs survived a level extinction event. We could attempt to reverse engineer some of their evolutions to learn the process of genetic mutation. This could help fight health issues and the science is largely unexplored. 

That’s why I think we should try to bring back dinosaurs because it would fulfill the dreams of every single dinosaur lover and paleontologist. Furthermore, we could learn more about evolutionary science and present day animals because dinosaurs evolved into some of the animals we know today.


This is my monster I made in ELAR his name scientific is Urabicpedallingnoscycloquadmnubiccornus  but his actual name is four armed lizard I am using him for an essay

LINCOLN HOUSTON - Narrative Retelling 2023


In math we learn equations and how to multiply and divide franctions.


I learned in science what kingdoms and domains are and we played a lot of blooket and gimkit.

I made this in science because we had to pick something we used in our live a lot and i use this a lot because it taste so good as part of the project we had to name and break down three components that   mac and cheese is made out of.

make up of product

World Cultures 

We have this project that we made are own world and and everything that has to come with it i will try to add pictures of it to my portfolio.