Android Apps

This is the QR code for my app if you scan it will take you there it was really fun to make I downloaded the app as an apk then I put it in my google drive copied the link and pasted it in The-QRcode-Generator and this is what I got.

These are my blocks/code for paint pot on of the apps I made in MIT app inventor which is a really cool website.

This is what my paint pot app and I have 7 colors black, red, blue, yellow, green, brown, and gray. I also have a notifier for the wiping the screen and for going back to menu.

This is the front page of my multi-app. A multi-app one app that as different activities and games like roblox.

This is my about page that is on my portfolio so id you want to read it check out my about page. it also has links to my portfolio youtube channel and the data website. It was really fun to make this because i added a vertical scrolling arrangement.Â