Vector Art

We had made monster in (More info down) ELAR and we had been tasked with making it into a animation.  🎬👏Finished GIF look down for ✨780P✨ video👏🎬.

Simple Graphic

We started to test out how to use Adobe Illustrator and we had make things using the circle tool.

EARL Monster

240103 Monster - Rebecca Carter.mp4

OG version 1.0

This is the first version of it. We had to make a drawing with a scientific name. It name is Unicephelmorocapilbistomatplumeencephalalariumura

Version 1.5 

We had started to use Adobe Illustrator to draw it so we could animate to it. Each part of it has its own layers. I chopped down the wing size a bit so it looks better and got rid of the rips in her shorts. I decided it looked better without outlines. We used the blob blush and gradient tool to make it.

Finale version

We had to put it into Adobe After Effects and unlink from the original one so we could make it size 512 and then change it to a GIF.