Tech Apps

First EC(I Did):Vector Art

This is the EC work we did. (Not really, I didn't do the first one this is the second one.) I did Inumaik from Jujutsu Kaisen. For this EC, we had to pick a image and trace it. This would give 30 points we would be able to add to some other projects. This project we had to use the polygon tool. I use it to make the colored areas. For the parts that were basely lines, I used well... the line tool and just colored the lines. The only part that I hated was that there was no layers scent it was on google drawings. To make sure I had the right layers, I had to click layer down and layer up, which if it needed to go down a lot would be pretty hard and tedious task. I did stay up the night before it was do because I thought that I needed to do the background.