Made with Adobe Firefly (BETA Version)

Vector Art is a really cool thing and tends to be really fun for other students at DATA and I know most of you like art and its is a pretty interesting page for (Vector) art! So go ahead and take a look at what i have in this page.

Sample Graphic

This is the first ever image we worked on and its pretty basic and you think it won't take that long and yes I am going with what your saying but this took me like 2 days to make. Yes I am pretty sure if you have used Adobe Illustrator it won't take as long but the reason why it took me 2 days was because of how slow I was and the mistakes I was making.

Emoji (1)

This is a emoji that I yes made and it took me about 4 days because of all the detail I wanted to add but overhaul it looks... pretty familiar... But anyways its really good and I like it.

Emoji 2

This is the sequel to Emoji 1. (I don't know why I put it like that) and this is the sad version of that.. familiar face... and this is is just some stuff flipped over and the water is made with the blob brush so it's pretty easy to make if you wanna make another version of this.

Emoji 3

Welcome to the Trilogy of Emoji 1. (ok you caught me, I'm doing it on purpose) and it's... the same thing... but mad now... Anyway this is a pretty good version but the only difference (from emoji 2) is that the water from his eyes are gone and now the eyebrow is there to make him angry and mad and I don't know what he's mad about but WHO WOULD WANT TO KNOW raise your hand... Ok nobody.

ELAR Monster

This is the first ever monster I made and there is no other monster I've made. He is very basic for simple reasons and one of them is like it said, there is no other monster I have made and I have had no idea how to make a monster at the time and keep in mind that this was months ago while I still don't know how to make one now. Yeah he's painted and at first he was a black and white drawing but now he has official colors and he has normal body with half and half of another person's body and he also has 2 heads and another thing since its 2 people combined he has half and half of black hair and blonde hair.


(Please don't watch this it's really weird for 0 reasons)

This is my ELAR Monster Video, Enjoy.

This is my original header.

(this is all the headers that were made with Photoshop but is now made with Adobe Firefly in the BETA)