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Oh! Hello! and welcome to this website where I can just talk about stuff all day, as I know, you're probably not familiar with what this is but this is My Digital Portfolio! You may wonder, what is a Digital Portfolio? (in DATA Explanation) A Digital Portfolio is where kids from DATA show what they have made and on these Digital Portfolios there are images and some videos. But you may also be wondering, what is DATA? well DATA is a Honors Program where you get taught 3D Models, Vector Art, all of that good stuff! but most of the periods are normal subjects, but anyways, let's get into what I have made because that's what your here for... Right? but this is just a Page where I talk about stuff there is more to see instead of just this text so hover your cursor over the 3 lines button which we like to call the hamburger and click any pages that are you can see in the sixth grade folder (the seventh grade is coming soon) but there are a demo amount of pages and we are planning on making more in the future of DATA.

This is my original header.