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3D Model Movie Jacob Montes.mp4

3D Model Mini Movie

The 3D Model Movie is out! Watch it if you are curious into watching the most epic video. (It's really not that epic)

Welcome to 3D models! So basically, this is where you and yes, you will see my 3D models and there may also be screen recordings of my 3D models and so yeah you can see not very much stuff in this page but go ahead and look at what you can see in this page.


Cubes is a basic 3D model, and we all know what cubes are. And its just a basic 3D model thing that has my name on it and a person in the picture.

Simple House (UNPAINTED)

This is a Simple House that anybody 6+ can make it because of how simple it is and yeah that same guy is in this picture because at first I didn't know how to get rid of him because i forgot i put him on lock.

Simple House 2 (PAINTED)

This is the Simple House but its now painted and also you may realize there is no background and the guy is now deleted, and yeah that's really about it. Yeah, there's not much to it but its cool but anyway you can go to the next one now.

Simple House 3 (DETAIL)

This is the detail of what I have on my house and yes you may have already saw what was on the house but here is a closer view of that you see like the walls the door and the window. Yes that is really about it again and there's yet again... Not much to it.

240212 House Spin 10 Second 100 percent Jacob Montes0001-0300.mp4

I don't really know why but we were asked to make a video of our house spinning?



As you can see, there is a sculpture of art that is unpainted but needs to be painted to at least give some color because the only thing you can see is white and some black lines.


Now we are talking style and color. Yeah there is not much and this is kinda good for my first time making a Art Model and, wait why is there a video at the top? Oh! Thats my new Mini Movie that took not too much effort to make and its pretty cool.