Made With Adobe Express

This is the new page that is pretty important when being in the DATA Program but heres the thing about DATA and there is gonna be some stuff pulled from the Home page that you will see right now, But you may be wondering, what is DATA? well DATA is a Honors Program where you get taught 3D Models, Vector Art, and even making Apps? but there are a couple of other things that you will get to do in the DATA Program. but most of the periods are normal subjects.


Me, knowing the program that this is a really fun program that can really help you with design if your are really into it and maybe some other things that they will talk about so there is to be some cool stuff that you will see in the future and what you will see is something you might not have experienced in your whole life, so there is way more to not really expect and you will also learn stuff that has to with Adobe like Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Bridge, oh! And I forgot one more! Adobe Express which is what we mostly use for the headers. Man that was a lot of Adobe Programs.Â