Below the text are the 3 Emojis I made with emotion, I made them using Adobe Illustrator.

Below the text is what I used to create my emojis so I didn't have to remake the whole circle 3 times and

Above this text is spider man I made him for my Famous person project. 

Above This text is my Second Gif I made in Adobe Animate I made it with a hands on tutorial provided I used ease in and out to make it smoother. 

Above this text is my mission patch that I'm going to wear for my field trip to the Scobie Center I had to scale It down and remove the background of  space and my job is Communications Manager.  And it is suppose to have space in the back-round  but it was gonna take up too much ink and  they had to have color on everyone's badge so to save ink no one had space in the back-round.

This is my first animated Gif and the easiest one to make with the Hands on tutorial I used ease in and out ot make it smoother and I set it to do a full 360 spin than reset son it look like its always spinning.

Pig run Gif 

This one was by far the easiest one to make out of all of them because I only had to put in the background and to put in the pig  then it was and all I had to do was to make it a Gif. Maybe when I understand how to use Adobe Animate better I could learn how to make it run across the screen. And this was also my 3rd and last Gif.