Core Classes 

These are the main classes in DATA and I will put my assinment in here. My classes are Math, ELAR, World Cultures, Tech Apps, Multimedia. 

This is the persuasive essay that I made about why the US military should fight Mexican drug Cartels, It was a little hard becusae of the resources we where using my resources where Gale, there was not many articles about my topic but I was able to find information about the cartels and it helped me a lot when writing my essay.  

This is my memoir abot chasing chickens when I was in 4th or 3rd grade it was a little hard to remember it all but before we wrote these we made a paper in our notebooks  following the memoir in order from the start to the end we wrote small paragraphs about each section and then we revised it and made it better.  

Copy of ISAIAH CHAVEZ - Narrative Retelling 2023

This is my Informal writing and Narrative retelling story about hatchet it is not the best but I did the best I could do on it, it did take some thinking because I did not know on what to really do but after some time I came up of the idea and started writing, it was not very hard because we have have the book and we had to read it over the summer so I remember some of the book not a lot.

ISAIAH CHAVEZ - My Quote and Truism Bank

This is my quotes bank which I put quotes in to use in my writing so if i ever need to add a quote I can just look for one here that best matches the thing im writing about.