This is my Nitro Type speed in Nitro Type you type against realy players and it can give you hard paragraphs or you can get easier ones it doesn't show the accuracy. 

This is my average typing accuracy and WPM (words per minute) in These are my all time avaerage scores. I have the last car unlocked which took a lot of time and I used my free time to type 

This is my stats for my 1:00 minute testing I had a drop in speed WPM (Words per minute) I think I left the tab open and I was doing one of my assignments and I got a 2 WPM.

Left of this is my creation of a cat I know it could definitely be better but it was what I wanted to make and it wasn't that hard. But I tried doing different images but I didnt really like them that much and I like cats so I went with this cat. 

This is the first assignment where we started to use tools to make images look different by changing the brightness and exposure, curves It was the easiest assignment out of them all, the simplest. 

This is one of the assinments where I am supposed to use a magnetic lasso tool and use 5 different tools to change the way it looks I used smudge to make the cars harder too see and I used sponge or sharpen to make the sign in the backround less visible and to make it look like pixels, I also used gradient to make the backround people and the road to a little bit of a red.