To make the apps there is a website called MIT App Inventor. I have 6 different apps packed into 1 app. the names of the apps are Hello Codi when you  press the bee it makes a bee sound, Talk to me is  a text to speech app where you can put text into the text box and it will say it back to you, if you shake the screen it will say "Please stop" Ball Bounce if the earlier version on Minigolf In Minigolf which is still a work in progress but soon it will be finished. Digital Doodle is another early version of Paintpot, Pointpot is a app where you draw on a cat that is sleeping on a rainbow there is different colors and there is a magic butto where it has 220 different colors. 

This is my home screen for my app it has a about screen button which cannot be seen in the image but it includes all my apps with the backround I made in photoshop. I did have trouble with Miningolf a little because of a connection error where it made the screen turn white and there was a ball in the corner and I couldn't do anything but eventually I was able to fix it by reseting the thing that lets it connnect and that runs the commands. 

This is my app called Paintpot this app uses a lot of coding that took weeks to finish but in Paintpot you are able to draw with different colors, there is a magic button where it uses about 220 different colors as you color around the cat there is also a slider that controls the different sizes of the coloring and dots.  

The coding blocks I used 

These are the coding  blocks that I used to make my app work the app is called Paintpot and it is a app where you able to draw on a image of a cat on a rainbow. The coding has taken many weeks and a few videos bu tit has payed off. 

Version 1.1 of my app  (ONLY works on Android devices)