AV Tech

This is one of  my 8 classes I had in 7th and I think it is pretty neat

The kitty Vs. The Pumkin!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was a picture we made for my A.V. Tech class and I think it's pretty cute because well... Did you see the tiny little Kitten? It's a great photo that I made in Adobe Photoshop with a pumpkin, a mouth of a tiger, and a kitty which you probably easily can make too.👍

My 1st businnes

This was my first start up company that  I really liked to make and develop, so that it could become something great, well imaginarily great in the way of people buying from this place.

My 2nd BusINNes

This Company is not as good as the other one to me because shoes just don't interest me as much as miniatures but I still had fun working on this project.

This thing

So basically this is a boy named Jorge Delacerda, and man was he an interesting one because he would make jokes which most of them were outdated but some were nowadays and all of them were funny leading to the teacher saying we had to make a poster like thing in photoshop of a person in the classroom, and I picked Mr.Delacerda with this "poster" like thing.

Candy CAne

I made this candy cane for fun in the class, and I think that's very nice of the teacher to let us do such things. Yeah that's all I can say about this.

Quick Run through these thing!!!

Roberto CLemente

I've never watched baseball but I could kind of relate to him, and so for