Pretty much everything you see here was made from MIT app inventor. So big thanks to them for a great program, and I do recommend to starters to try the site out. Here is a link to MIT

My Game!

This QR code will let you into my very own game I made with a lot of help from my teacher.

Main Screen

This is my main screen that you pick the app you want to use. The apps are About, Paint Pot, Hello Cody,  Talk To Me, Ball Bounce, Digital Doodle.

About Page

This is the about screen which is mainly the exact same which is on the about screen on this website except you can visit the Data website, and this Portfolio.

Digital Doodle

in this app you can draw with a line what ever you want! Yay!

Ball bounce

This is my ball bounce app where you can control a ball that bounces just like the name suggests.

Talk to me

In this app you type something into the bar, and it says what you want in English.

Hello Cody

This is a app where you touch the bee and it buzzes, and that's it.

Paint pot

This is an app where you can draw with different colors instead of one like on digital doodle, and you can take pictures and color them. YAY!!!