About Me

Hello there, I'm Marek Vanecek and I'm in 6th grade Data Ed White middle school. I have an amazing sister who is my only sibling, and amazing parents too!  A profession I like is acting! I'm actually in a acting class right now, and I hope I become a great actor one day. I also love little plastic soldier toys. From the present Military to medieval toy soldiers. I am also very creative. Meaning that I like to create my own games in my mind all the time, pretty much all day I am thinking of a new game in the back of my head.

About DATA

Data is really cool and I think it's a great place to go because it has many different classes that are really fun! I also think that it is very educational and it's a nice looking design and interior, also the teachers are very nice to us. There are many clubs like chicken club, chess club, and anima club to name a few. So I think if you are looking for a great middle school, this is the place!!!