
some of the things we did in my Tech Apps were done with photoshop and I do recommend it so here is a link to it!

This is when I finished the beginner Typing unit in my Tech Apps class.

These are my typing scores in 2022.

17 words per minute.

90% typing score.

These are my typing scores in 2023. All our work was reset that's why there is less typing time then before.

14 words per minute.

90% typing score.

Candle Dodge

This is a candle put into Photoshop and has been Dodged as the name implies. The dodge tool makes the colors brighter as seen in this picture. All done in my Tech apps class.

Candle Burn

This is a candle put into Photoshop and has been burned as the name implies. The burn tool makes the colors darker as seen in this picture. All done in my Tech apps class.


TWO BABY ducks


These three duck images were used to make the Photoshopped image below, and the cool thing is that the ducks look different themselves. this was made in my AppTech class as an assignment.