My robot!

This is my robot Beli! Beli is a multitask cleaning robot, who can clean up to your fans or even your floors! If you hate coming home from a long day at school or work Beli is the bot for you! If your wondering how Beli looks you can see his image. He is a 2 foot long robot that has a extendable torso to be able to reach difficult areas.  He also has wheels to get ar0und and next to his wheels he has little broom to be able to vacuum while moving around. 

As you can see his logo is really simple which has his catchphrase at the top and his name at the bottom. You can see the variety of colors that are being used, which are very bright vibrant colors including green, yellow, orange, and a little bit of blue. 

Last but not least is his pitch which includes not all but some of his functions. Which include him doing your laundry, doing your dishes/boring chores, and even picking up your trash. 

The programs used for this project were Adobe Illustrator. The tools that I used include the shape builder tool, line tool, curvature tool, text tool, and even the paintbrush tool. 

My Elevator Speech

Hello my name is Rebeka Saldana and I am here to introduce you to the new sensation in town, Beli! Who is Beli you might ask?  Beli is the best cleaning buddy you will ever have! Do you not like to do your chores? Especially after a long day at school or work? Well I had a friend who would come home from work just to find even more work. Sometimes she wouldn't even clean because of how tired she was! So this made me think, we all hate doing chores so what if we just make someone do it for us. So I got to work and made Beli. Beli is a multitask robot that can do your laundry and even dust your fans! If you hate cleaning toilets, don’t worry Beli is waterproof and will do it for you! Sometimes people come back from work just to come back to more work. Do you ever complain about having so much to do and that the house is so dirty? Well worry no more, Beli is here to help! Beli will make you be able to relax after a long day, because by the time you get home your house is squeaky clean! If you want to learn more about Beli and his amazing functions visit! Beli is here even for the stickiest situations! If you hate doing chores this is the bot for you and he's only $1500! I appreciate you for taking the time to listen to my proposal!