I made a app! How you may ask? I used MIT App inventor! In my opinion this has been one of the best units that we have ever learned in Multimedia. I enjoy modifying and fixing my app. I still have a lot of coding to go.  📱🎮

What is MIT App Inventor?

MIT App Inventor is an intuitive, visual programming environment that allows everyone in the world to make fun and functional apps!  Want to got to MIT App Inventor? Click here!

My App!

This is the QR code that I made so that YOU can try my app and see my hardwork in action! This was in my opinion the best unit we have had in Multi Media. This was a fun but hard unit because if you did the wrong coding it would cause the whole app to malfunction. (If this QR code doesn't work fill in the ERROR Google Doc and I will fix the problem as quick as possible. )

This is the opening screen to my app. As you might have noticed it has all of the names of my games. For example you can see "Hello Codi!" and "Talk To Me". When you click one of the buttons it takes you to the page that corresponds to that button. It also haves the "Exit App" and the "About' buttons. The "Exit App" exits the app and the "About" button takes you to the about screen.

This is the first game/screen of my app it is called Hello Codi. This app is meant to make the little bee buzz. To make the bee buzz you click on the bee as the label says the bee will make a buzzing noise. As you might also notice the background of the screen isn't just blank old white it is colorful. The background was made by me in Adobe Photoshop. 

Link to the tutorial: Hello Codi Tutorial

This is the second game/screen in my app. This screen is called Talk To Me. This app use is very simple the only thing you have to do is shake the device. If you don't like what the device says you can change what it says. To do that you have to click the label that says "Shake The Device" and then you write what you want the app to say and it will say what you typed in! 

 Link to the tutorial: Talk to Me PT1 Tutorial

    Talk to Me PT2 Tutorial

The third app I have is Ball Bounce. This was the most simple one of all of the types of games I have made. You just drag the ball and it will fly across the screen. It is so much fun!

Link to the tutorial: Ball Bounce Tutorial

This is my fourth game that I made it is called Digital Doodle. This was kind of complicated for me because we needed to code a lot of more stuff that I had thought we would have to. This is used by drawing anything you want on to the screen.  I added a extra feature which is the "Wipe Button" because it used to be that you would only draw and to delete your drawing you would have to leave the screen.

Link to the tutorial: Digital Doodle Tutorial

This is my fifth game and probably the hardest game to code. It took me about five weeks to complete this game. (Still a work in progress). There is multiple screen shots because this app has multiple screens. For example there is the opening screen which has all of the buttons that you see when you open the game. Then when you click the "Options"  button it opens more options that you can choose. Apart from that their is the "Magic"  button that when you draw it gives you a bunch of different colors. There is one last thing there is the make your own custom color so that you can draw with the color that you made. 

Link to the tutorial: Paint Pot PT1 Tutorial

  Paint Pot PT2 Tutorial

The second to last game that I have is "Get the Gold" this wasn't a required app I decided to make it during ,y free time at home. This game was a lot more simple than I had thought originally. To make this I followed a tutorial which is found on the MIT App Inventor Page. To use this app you fling the ship to collect the coins that are on the screen. 

Link to the tutorial:  Get the Gold Tutorial

This my last but not least app that I have made. It is called, "Magic Eight Ball". This is another app that I made in my free time. To use this game you shake the device or press the magic eight ball and it will give you a response. Its as simple as that!

Link to the tutorial:  Magic Eight Ball Tutorial